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2014 June LH Scottish Fold AMY & Popular singer Mr Andy Hui 長毛蘇格蘭摺耳貓與香港著名男歌手許志安

2016 June 18
by admin

HKMCC Show August 21, 2011 CAT SHOW

2011 August 2
by admin

HKMCC_Show_August 21_2011_CAT_SHOW_FLYER



HKMCC Payment Summary _August 21

August 21, 2011 – Show Information

2011 August 2
by admin

Dear all,

On behalf of Hong Kong and Macao Cat Club, we would like to invite all of
you to join our show on August 21, 2011.

It will be a 3 rings AB show, one day show (Sorry No HHP). The judges are:

Bob Zenda (AB)
Gary Veach (AB)
Aki Kametani (AB)

The closing date for this show will be August 15, 2011.

Shall you have any queries, please contact our entry clerk (Jowett Pang) at

Best regards,

Nicholas Pun

Hello world!

2011 May 1
by admin

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